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Accessing an open and/or unprotected public WiFi network involves a potential risk of getting the data contained in your device stolen. This is why it is essential to verify the reliability of a public hotspot before accessing the internet from there.
As for security, it is important to avoid unprotected networks, especially those that do not require a password, use the same password for all users, which, many a time, remains unchanged for long periods. Avoid also networks that, even in the absence of a registration system, provide each user with a different password without associating it with the actual user. In fact, this makes it impossible to track those responsible for any offence and/or crime committed through the WiFi network of the location. These hotspots are the ideal environment for wrongdoers who, protected by anonymity, can easily intercept communications transmitted over wireless networks.
When you choose which public hotspot to use, it is important to make sure that the transactions between you and the service provider are encrypted with the help of official SSL/TLS certificates. You should also verify who is the provider and its policy concerning data processing.

Reliable WiFi networks are usually those made available by public bodies and associations, those managed by telecommunication companies or ISPs (Internet Service Providers), and those in business and accommodation facilities associated with identifiable companies of proven reliability, as long as they have registration and password systems that protect your privacy.

The "WiFi secure access" sign helps identify reliable public WiFi networks as it ensures providers' adherence to basic security standards.